
Women, Resilience and Sustainable Development in West Africa


PRESENTATION                                        Français

HAN GUIN NESSA-VISION D'AVENIR is a non-governmental organization (NGO) aiming at making access to education and primary health care a lever of development for the most deprived populations (especially women and children) in West Africa in general and in Niger in particular.

The Republic of Niger is a country where the majority of the population (especially women) lives below the poverty line (stats). Illiteracy, habits and customs are some of the reasons that explain this state of affairs. In order to have a better future, the first condition is the education of vulnerable people, especially women; "Isn't it said that woman is the mother of Humanity? and that educating a woman means educating a whole nation? In this sector, associations have three closely related functions. First of all, they have a function of information allowing the awareness, by the public opinion and by the administrations, of various problems of the society. Secondly, they have a function of promotion for a change of mentality, by which they will try to make adopt reforms. Finally, they have a function of defense of fundamental freedoms. Through this NGO (HAN GUIN NESSA Vision d'avenir), we hope to bring our modest contribution to relieve the most deprived people.

Madarounfa_Maradi Region Niger Rep

Madarounfa_Maradi Region Niger Rep


HAN GUIN NESSA-VISION D'AVENIR has as specific objectives

  • To provide humanitarian assistance to the most vulnerable,
  • To support development action and the fight against poverty, illiteracy, and exclusion in disadvantaged areas (rural and urban) in regards to the educational, cultural, health and environmental fields.
  • To bring together people (young and old) without distinction of sex, color, and religion for a common research on the social, sanitary, cultural, and ecological future in its zones of intervention.
  • To promote solidarity in all its forms, in particular by developing prevention, training and animation activities of a cultural, social and health nature for young people and their families.
  • To organize voluntary bootcamps for the development of the living environment in a dynamic of local development.
  • To organize international exchanges within the framework of its activities
  • To publish upstream information, research, documents on its initiatives or in areas that are in line with its activities.